Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The abomination of desolation's Kenya birth certificate, courtesy of Lucas Daniel Smith, will be included in a court hearing at the Ronald Reagan building in Orange County Tuesday. On the same day that Sodom and Egypt's lesbian Judge Sotomayor will be sworn in, yet again, on top of some apostate Christian Bible, inside the red temple vail chambers of America's desecrated Supreme Court. One can see a copy of the genuine BC at:

That's why they found a serious crack in the bridge to the future from leftist Berkeley to transsexual San Francisco, on the eve of America's marxist Labor Day.

It's why a 666 prison van crashed Sunday at mile marker 66 on I-59 in [stump hat]Hattiesburg, Mississippi; north of the Hardy St ramp hard on exit, south of smokey Beverly Hills Rd and [Neve] Campbells Drive.

This is Sunday's SUPER FERRY 9 shipwreck, that drowned 9 people so far, 9 miles off shore, in the gentile Philippines.

Saturday's huge Coldwater Canyon flood in Studio City was another Divine REV.12 manifestation; written, directed, and produced, by God. The show biz town probably voted for my EATING RAOUL sidekick by about 85%. I can't imagine where the Alone Ranger would be without him today.

Now comes DANIEL 9's big Love Potion No. 9.9.09 moon walk talk before the school kids in Congress by the prince of darkness.

I know, it does feel rather contrived and over the top, but this is live prophecy theater. Just lean back in the dark room and hum along to it, suspend belief for an hour or two. The tragic comedy production, also co-starring Bill and Hilary, is only going to have a 42 months run anyway, including previews. So enjoy and be editfied.

Meanwhile, check out these great drama masks from that 16th Ave N.E. watermelon smashing dream I had. That co-starred my ZODIAC bowling ball partner, Robert Downey Jr, who I found laying down inside of a curb parked pickup bed. Turns out he was born on 4.4 in 65. Look at this:

Did you know that watermelons come in orange? Like at:

Long time TWNers may remember David Letterman's inspired green-red fat government watermelon drops from off the top of his tall building in 1NEPHI 8 etc. If I recall, I think that the Branch Davidian was even sliding large safes over the edge, down onto old Detroit cars, well before the current big banking problems came to light.

Speaking of green/red melons. There was a 6 car pileup on Hwy.66 in Dolly Parton's Smokey Mountains town of Sevierville, Tenn Monday. The same day Obama's O/liver Stone welcomed the red fascist Hugo Chavez [Read Huge O] on the red carpet at Venice. Where the beautiful waterway streets, that smell like a filthy open sewer, are actually made from the 666 sea waters of REV.13:1.

Gregory Scott Relf


I'll bet Sly and Dolly's RHINESTONE musical has some very prophetic 1984 elements, at:


A special thanks to the NYT, the WASH POST, the LA TIMES, NPR, NBC, Bob Woodward, Bob Redford, Jane Fonda, Ashton Kutcher, and all the other die hard truth seekers out there, for their great investigative reporting and public interest in the unfolding WILLIS TOWER prophecy. May I recommend tiffany.com for all your upcoming REV.11 gift ideas?

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