Tuesday, May 18, 2010


New pix were out Monday of Nicole on the phone to help raise funds for Sunday's Nashville flood benefit. The DOW closed Monday on her 6.25 wedding anniversary date, at 10,625.83 +5.67 (.05%). Marking her 67 birth year, her mysterious traditional number '83' and the number '5' reference to her Nicole nickle word play theme for the wise/foolish 5/5 virgins. See:

After logging a post at 11:55 pm on this Sienna Miller thread, I took a shower and a cat nap. I was awaken at 11:55 pm, local west coast time, by the sound of a small angry dog yapping at me three times. Then at 11:58 pm, I had a flash vision of a male squirrel chasing two smaller girl squirrels across Granny Grass' driveway. See:

You should see the pink rhodies under GG's walnut tree squirrel condo, that always becomes a woodpecker motel in the fall. Note the thread's 3:33 post by 'Yawn'.

Monday morning, I heard about the UNITED flight from NYC to LA that made an emergency landing Sunday in the DC area, with Ashley Olsen aboard. At her 6:13 am birth date time I heard some babe make a kiss-smooch noise 8 times. I do like her voodoo hat at:

In the context of Renee's new Chocolate Mountain Impact Area nut cluster romance, MY OWN LOVE SONG, here is a peek at some 1993 Barack Obama prophecy she appeared in at:

She was also in this inspired 1994 Obama theme town picture called LOVE & A 45 at:

With every new twist of the screw, Blago gets closer and closer to spilling the taco beans. The latest Gov Elvis report is at:

Check out this hilarious and timely story about a Jewish Mr Wheeler Dealer trying to con his way into Brown University at:
Sunday's Biblical hail storm in Oklahoma City was about Mike Myers' comments to Letterman about seeing a guy in NYC with a meat cleaver stuck in his chest. See:

New readers: Oklahoma is shaped like a giant meat cleaver, with blood dripping off the blade along the prophetic Red River landmarks. The I-35 line of lost Israel divides the ten virgins state in half. Study the Hwy.70 Beaver's Bend signs in Rt.144 McCurtain County for example. "Broken Arrow" is military slang for a missing nuke.


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