Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A medical helicopter smashed into pieces that were scattered across a quarter mile near Clinton, Ark/ansas Tuesday. Killing 3 people on the same day BB met with Hillary Clinton in DC. More specifically, the 206 BELL crashed near a church in the Walnut Grove area of [Dutch] Van Buren County, near the Red River landmark cited in DANIEL 12. Not far to the southwest is a place called Jerusalem, in nextdoor Conway County. One can see the chopper's red, white, and blue USA flag design at:

The BOOK OF ABRAHAM scrolls cited in my ALICE IN WONDERLAND post were the Divine meaning behind THE LAST EXORCISM murder of those 4 spiritually frozen Israelis near Abraham's historic Hebron landmark on Tuesday. The 12 tribes desert wilderness theme of the white OUTBACK they were in was established by the wildlife chopper that crashed in Hwy.12's Kamiah, Idaho the same day. Because the 3 people who died in that crackup were on a mission to count red salmon in the Selway River.

Even the same red and blue fish that Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon used in their ten virgins icehole fish-tossing game Tuesday night in Judah's NYC. That resulted in a 3 to 3 tie when Drew got a miraculous hole-in-one on her first attempt to get one of her 5 fish into the icehole. Then Jimmy miraculously made it a tie in his last chance turn. The fish being a traditional symbol of the Messiah Jesus. Who the icehole Jews crucified.

Over on Letterman, it was Michael Douglas showing a subway clip for WALLSTREET II, that featured his character telling yours truly that my time is almost up. The same day they arrested that prophetic black Obama figure in Queens who has been impersonating a subway and bus driver for years. Most states still will not issue a driver's license or operator's permit to illegal aliens.


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