Friday, December 3, 2010


Harold Smith was a tall thin 40ish black guy. So it looks like Larry's sidekick Leon Obama was the persona profetica who killed Ronni Chasen, reenacting his role in CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM as the guy who so often takes care of Larry's dirty business. In episode 69, Mr Obama, the black Muslim, got $200,000 from Michael Richards for that job.

It's the same 09 show where Emma Watson's mom sets her up on a lunch date with Larry because she has an itchy vagina, when we see a '388' parking space in the background. At least that's the number I saw in a split second flash and wrote down with my PILOT pen. Whatever, image 388 is the HARUM SCARUM cfake of Emma standing next to a collection of vagina icons. To go with her double King of England iPAD icons on Michael's shirt that matched the crown hat he got from Leon Obama at:

The tall dark stranger in the Beverly Hills case shot himself in the head with a 9mm at Mr TMZ's HARVEY HOTEL CALIFORNIA on Woody Allen's 75th Hanukkah birthday. In confirmation of that historic California style wildfire that suddenly erupted in Israel. To mark the holiday's traditional celebration of courage in the face of 666 tyranny. [NOT!]

Google 'Harold Smith' images and you will find Sunset Blvd style memorial photos for Mr Funkhouser's Jewish mother. Her look alike son posing next to some of his wild beast trophies on the African continent where Barack Obama was born; like in this wild pig shot at:

Speaking of pussy-whipped journalists, and government church leaders who don't have the balls to ask The Thing for his constitutionally required birth certificate. The last ferry left on the Potomac broke loose from it's [HBO] guide cable Thursday near Balls Bluff National Cemetery, and drifted dangerously down today's flooding REV.12 river of Sodom and Egypt. The prophetic REV.16 civil war memorial is a little place along the river that remembers when the forces of Baberaham Lincoln got their ass kicked.


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