Monday, January 31, 2011


The rebel bar fighting scenes in GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, that feature fire and violence, are about the upcoming USA split in REV.16. The hot blond who starts shaking to The Killer's rebel music represents Tennessee's Miley Cyrus, in the context of all those Montana hat wearing COWBOYS in the situation. The film's running ten virgins motif is raised again in Mr Brown's "50/50" split reminder.

In the final ROCKET 88 number before the end credits, that is Jimmy Kimmel bopping in the front, wearing an orange shirt. Where The Killer flashes his index finger in the same frame with Sienna's MILLER beer sign on the wall. Remember the Kimmel piano set in London's A CLOCKWORK ORANGE gang rumble scene.

Jerry Lee Lewis' cousin Jimmy Swaggart was kicked in the nuts back in 88 as confirmation of the classic 50s si-fi movie rocket prophecies related to The Killer's ROCKET 88 hit.

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" EPHESIANS 4:14

That is a young Naomi Watts who sees the The Killer leaving out the back stage door in London and starts chasing his car down a side street. The real scandal erupted when that gay London reporter discovered at the airport that the arriving American king had two young sister wives, and two more back at home.

Back in Graceland, Tennessee, that is Miley again laying in bed with The King, who gets up and starts to shake it when she sees The Killer playing that burned Miami Bay piano on TV at:

At the Louisiana airport, Louisiana's Britney Spears wants to meet The Killer real bad.

Note that Winona Ryder's baby Steve Allen was born on the February 27 date of this year's 2_11 Oscars no.83. Here is a look at the amazing endowment house temple veil wedding dress she wore to the SAG [Long Island] awards :

Hailee Steinfeld wore a bold colored orange Spanish number with TIE ME UP! TIE ME DOWN! straps pattern, and pink "baby doll" ring, at:


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