Thursday, May 5, 2011


I watched 1997's ZERO EFFECT again Wednesday morning to piece together a few items. By that afternoon two 28,000 gallon ethanol tanks exploded in a log train derailment outside of Portland. For the day's 666 NASDAQ closing around the same time at 2,828. That is a black Obama figure in the film's fire alarm black-mail scene, who shouts at everyone in the basketball court to get out of the building; that features White House style Greek columns.

America is being financially black-mailed by an elite media/political culture that refuses to report about the abomination of desolation's doctored birth certificate revelations. But the rising historic day 1290 Mississippi River flood in REV.12 can not be stonewalled past it's 42 months expiration date.

The Big Muddy snake begins around 1290' Grand Rapids, Minn. near Ball Club, Blackberry, Zemple, and Split Hand Lake on Hwy.2, and passes along 666' Winona, Minn. and Hannibal, MO etc.

The fake Osama photo that fooled the fake Republican Senator Brown has the same green tint as Obama's cfake BC at:

For a reality based historic context of the doctor who doctored the BC see:

And this audio relates directly to the time that Obama spent in Mr Brown's Mitt Romney area at:

Reportedly, Osama was shot in the left side of his forehead on May Day, USA time, in confirmation of that ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN shot to the forehead of the May Day politician Gabrielle Gifford in Tucson. Who also attended last Friday's prophetic FAILURE TO LAUNCH event in Florida. Do to the failure of that same black switch box in 2001: A SPACE ODDYSSEY.

Here is the sad report about that sister who killed her ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES sister near Adams, Nebraska Monday; role playing the way apostate Christian sisters treat each other in marriage at:

After ZERO EFFECT's doctored birth certificate opening that reveals Barack Obama's 804 birthday, and the day 1290 date of 8.02, 'Greg' tells us about the mystery man '...without a trace...' of origins known to anyone. The unknown man "with the mismatched shoelaces" who is of mixed race.


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