Sunday, July 31, 2011


That Hounds of Hell bitch who was doing a local news report about the sudden INLAND EMPIRE flooding in California was shot with a BB gun by THE LOST BOYS vampire hunters in confirmation of the unstopable BB reports about Obama's fake birth certificate; that are killing their efforts to block the truth, like at:

These are the same cunts, both male and female, who are lying to us about the phony baseline budget crisis. Who yap about the government having less cash on hand than APPLE, even though they get another 200 billion in the next day or so, and another 200 billion after that, and so on... You might as well just go to JUST JARED's BB and read some of my posts there if you want to really know the truth about what is going on. Like.

RUMOR HAS IT that the CEO of DONALDSON ENTERPRISES' fireworks business in Hawaii will be taking that HORRIBLE BOSSES dentist and her computer graphics experts to Hawaii on his private G6, who is suing the NEW YORK TIMES et al for their criminal cover-up.

I suspect that Trump is seriously considering an independent run for president on the White Horse Prophecy ticket.

Last night I dreamed that I told Ohio's Kate Holmes that I was going out to places on the Olympic Peninsula tomorrow [Monday] to sell votive candles door to door. After a long thoughtful pause, she said simply, "OK".

I suspect that it probably has something to do with the symbolic death of Don Gum meets the earthquakes near Wrigley, Canada, and all that at:

Recently I have experienced various flash visions wherein I see the above earthquakes listing page from Colorado that is lit up with a dozen red ones in a row.


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