Sunday, November 13, 2011


When the very respectful mother of Miley Montana makes her first obscene Howard Stern phone call in SERIAL MOM, circa 1992, she sounds exactly like her future virginal DISNEYLAND star daughter.

That is Michelle Obama at the PTA night for concerned mothers in SERIAL MOM. Who discusses her man-child husband 'son' with the day 1290 math numbers teacher, sitting under the poly science looking sign that reads like it says 'POLYCON'. Right before the mother of Miley walks in with a fruitcake in a pink box that represents the official color of the gay rights movement of the latter-day Sodom and Egypt. Which most of today's REV.17 church ladies in SLC, Utah and Dallas, Texas don't want you to talk about.

Hence the D&C 86 car wash scene right after Beverly runs over the guy who even dared to mention that there is something wrong with the way she is raising her family.

After my younger physically transfigured blood cleansing figure appears on the dude's TWO AND A HALF MEN show TV screen, Miley's mom says, "You know how I hate the brown word."

Note that Misty's Shenae Grimes fatty is now in college.

SERIAL MOM's first true story 7:26 time-stamp is confirmation of Sandra Bullock's new Branch Davidian English Tudor compound in Beverly Hills.

Detective Pike suddenly shows up at the door in SERIAL MOM because he looks exactly like Warren Jeffs from the Tom Green County jail in Texas. Have you ever seen a Tom Green movie? Have you ever been to a gay ass Texas style rodeo?

The blond trout lips star of THREE'S COMPANY appears in the third act of SERIAL MOM when all the future TMZ reporters' microphones are making the date-stamp about today's 11.13 date. When the latest sheriff JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO report would roll down the mountain from:


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