Thursday, April 5, 2012


I walked right up to a used DVD copy of TAXI for 2.99 at THE CHECKOUT Thursday; right after grabbing a nice chunk of stinky moldy Brie blue cheese for just 2.99.

The box art depicted a Rihanna look atype concubine wife, back to back with Jimmy Fallon. So I figured that the 2004 movie must have something to do with the end of DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID. Where I tell the new Jewish German Nazi hottie that, "I'm here to bust up your [husband's] game..."

As confirmed by Carl Reiner's amazingly convincing part as the Jewish Nazi who speaks the German language that is approximately 40% ancient Hebrew. According to research done by the world's greatest linguists at BYU.

I.e. Queen Latifah is my future transsexual Barack Obama sidekick in the above Di Caprio Code DVD tag line that says, "TAKE A RIDE ON THE WILD SIDE." at:

According to the laws of Israel, if your wife has already been fucked a thousand times by so many strangers, then you can have her for free. As long as you still agree to respect her like a plastic Catholic Madonna virgin bobble-head on your old car's dashboard, touched for the very first time; like in a 70s porn movie horror film remake like CARRIE.

[See the blond Chloe Moretz forerunner in the back seat of the King of England's car in DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID. Who seriously wants me to take her home and fuck her after I wine and dine her at the PLANTATION CLUB; whose all wet from watching me sire my "cleaning woman" house slave Rihanna.]

To all of you German shorthair hunting dogs out there who think that I AM is kidding. You are all going to be hunted down and beaten with the two sticks of Judah and Ephraim until you confess your sins and agree to start picking up the piles of shit that you have been leaving on the white carpets inside THE HOUSE OF THE LORD in LA etc.

"These people we're dealing with are killers." says my protagonist in DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID.

As confirmed by the dead US troopers on the front page of Thursday's NYT, right after the Georgia Surpreme Court fucked the US Constitution in the ass regarding the illegal alien in the CASABLANCA film noir movie of the same two witnesses era.


Looks to me like Miley is getting in shape for her Janis Joplin nude scenes in Oliver Stone's next biopic at:

Ok, fuck the money that you owe me, and fuck the critical acclaim that you will get from it. I realize that by now you are probably over all that shit anyway. But just think about how you could still park your big 5-wheeler MONTANA rv rig on the set and do what you want with it in between takes. It's called rehearsing.

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