Wednesday, May 9, 2012


At the end of May 8, I decided to finally watch 1969. Partly because I had had enough of the vivid dreams about Alison Roth telling me how beautiful Wynona Ryder is, and how ugly the old whore of Babylon looked in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, circa 2004 meets 2012. ~ Relf Car plays me getting out of jail for free at the end of 1969, when that Barack Obama nigger rolls up to the 1969 White House, with Greek pillars, and finally admits to America that he is in fact the same well known fake Chicago homogaysexual portrayed in Vince Vaughn's future role in BE COOL meets THE BREAKUP. ~ 1969 opens with the prophetic 1969ish song about the upcoming physical transfiguration that goes, "...When I was young... I was so much older then..." And then Relf says, "...Thank you Jesus!.. Thank you Relf!.." ~ Then they get picked up by the first homogaysexual that I ever met, at HASTY TASTY, named 'Marshall' who was kicked out of the Viet Nam era Army; because during his Aikido marshall arts classes he kept trying to grab his opponents balls, like John Travolta does in BE COOL. ~ Therefore, Relf wears a PEPSI T-shirt and trips out on LDS/LSD pills like even I did wen I spent the weekend at Bob Marshall's beach cabin out in Indianola, via the Kingston, Washington ferry, in 1969. ~ Which is why on May 8 Obama made his decision to come out of the closet. Before Larry Sinclair et al finally get him. ~ GSR /TWN

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