Saturday, June 2, 2012


Right after Michigan's fake Mormon named Mitt told the abominable day 1290 media, who also worship the new 666 devil like he does, that he himself sees nothing wrong with the smiley face signature on Barack Obama's born again birth certificate. ~ That really queer looking apostate Christian Republican wanna be, from the same Detroit suburbs where Madonna was born, got kicked off his born again election ballet for having too many fakers on his re-election team; at: ~ There is no rediculous conspiracy theory about Obama being born in Africa. There is only the obviously prophetic conspiracy about him being the BOURNE IDENTITY antagonist who was just manifested by God in the form of the Roosevelt cafe killer who believed that he was a former member of an elite CIA assassin team; with psychotic LDS/LSD flash-back memories. ~ Interpol now believes that THE DAY OF THE JACKAL's remake homogaysexuall killer is hiding out in France under disguise as a REV.17 women. ~ Therefore that Seattle action star wanna be actor, code named Spider Wolf, had three blue herons tattooed on his back; for the time when Ms T/heron would be coming out with her evil queen movie during the South African Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Since the iconic Puget Sound blue heron from San Juan's Friday Harbor is the national bird of South Africa, etc. ~ GSR/TWN

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