Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I found the 2001 HANNIBAL sequel about the Jewish Judases who betrayed America in the 2012 election on Tuesday at Bill and Hillary's Arkansas based WAl*MART Tuesday. Then I watched it for the first time Wednesday morning, and woke up later when Medved was talking on the two witnesses radio about that Jewish traitor who they hung in Damascus, Fiorenza, Italia style. ~ Who had arrived in Syria by way of Agentina. And therefore the gay ass EVITA musical on Broadway was canceled on the same day. Because the Jewish Mr Medved has been stonewalling the truth about the abomination of desolation of the defiled Hanukkah temple for the past four years. Even though he could have destroyed the anti-American homosexual with only two or three broadcasts about his born again birth certificate and down low background. ~ Hence, that Hawaiian killer in Portland who worked at the Greek president's BIG BERTHA gyro sandwich joint; which represented Obama's big fat lie birth certificate. ~ GSR/TWN - LINKS: Ms Hathaway's pussy was exposed as a confirmation of Jude Law's porno movie dialogue that read, "You have a beautiful pussy." ~ Hannibal tips us off about the [Donald] trumpet blow job nigger in Washington, DC at about 1:36:... minutes on my DVD. Then he tells Ms Starbucks that the FBI is no longer protecting America from any kind of obvious illegal alien usurper in the White House. Because they have become more interested in their fat pay checks and cushy day 1290 medical benefits. Besides, almost half of today's FBI men are a bunch of niggers anyway. So what would you expect? ~ Therefore, the stupid white Boehner look alike gets his head circumcised at the end of the FBI agency prophecy. And then everything comes to a 44 teeth finale in front of the film's various White Horse Prophecy images. ~ HANNIBAL's main screenwriter also wrote the WAG THE DOG prophecy. ~ The end is near, at:

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