Friday, October 10, 2014


I never had heard of that French detective novelist who won the Nobel when I got TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT on Wednesday at WAL*MART. Now I see that many of his books take place during the Nazi occupation of France in TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT. ~ ~ Think some strange illegal alien invades and occupies Gwyneth Paltrow's home in LA and she loves it, just like in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN. ~ ~ Which is why silly women and wild child negros don't get to vote in The Kingdom of God. ~ ~ GSR\TWN ~ ~ NAZI NOTES: See that famous Hollywood Nazi shorty-actor scene in the EATING RAOUL prophecy for a Dr. Scott style refresher course in UFO Scientology. ~ ~ FALSE PROPHET NOTES: The future false prophet cited in REV.16 is Islam. Which is why all of today's false prophets on the left who worship the same false 666 idol don't want you to say anything about Obama's false birth certificate and his stolen Social Security iPAD number.

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